
hunger will make us mean
it will make us be not goodlooking
any more and we will become stringy
we will live in trailers and tents
on brownfields in long grass
behind long high fences made
of linked chain and steelpoles
hunger will make us pick up
things and throw them at each
other and throw things at animals
and run through the long grass
where the windblown refuse blows
we will throw things at each other
and throw things into the river

at that time we will grow ratlike
we will wear our hair in the style of
other animals like for example
the rat and we will grow leggy and
wild and sleep under bridges
we will sit underneath concrete
and watch the river all night and
get wasted and play with lighters
and pick up things and throw them
and throw things into the river

1 comment:

Natron said...

Aimless throwing, oracular throwing, ineffable throwing, inedible throwing, throwing up. I am taken with this mysterious catalogue of human impotence.

I am bookmarking yer blog because the URL is the least mnemonic series of characters you could have come up with.


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